Autor: findspo

Findspo Recognized as a Winner in Humanitech’s Humanitarian Track

Findspo leverages advanced technology, including sophisticated algorithms and a digital platform, to match resources with needs in real-time, significantly enhancing the efficiency of aid delivery in emergencies. The project is distinguished by its community-centric approach, involving local stakeholders in decision-making to ensure solutions are contextually relevant and effective. Furthermore, Findspo emphasizes sustainability by focusing on long-term community resilience through continuous feedback and capacity-building initiatives. This recognition by Humanitech underscores the vital role of technological innovation in advancing humanitarian efforts, showcasing Findspo’s potential for substantial and sustainable impact.

Findspo Joins UN Innovation Network

Findspo, a leader in deeptech innovation, is proud to announce its membership in the UN Innovation Network, a global platform dedicated to fostering technological solutions for sustainable development. This collaboration will see Findspo’s CEO, César López, leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as AI, machine learning, and blockchain to address critical global challenges. Findspo’s commitment to humanitarian technology aligns seamlessly with the UN’s mission to accelerate progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Participation in GovTech in Europe: Critical Influencing Factors for Cross-Border GovTech Practices

César López Caparros, recently participated in the GovTech in Europe study, led by JRC and MANZONI Marina. This comprehensive study aimed to identify the critical influencing factors for cross-border GovTech practices. In this blog post, we will delve into the insights gained from César’s participation and explore the key findings that can inform the development of effective cross-border GovTech strategies.

Findspo’s Participation in Desafía Berlín: A Step Towards Global Sustainability

esafía Berlín, a public initiative sponsored by ICEX and, aims to help Spanish technology companies scale faster and globally. This program is designed to accelerate the scaling process of startups, providing them with a comprehensive opportunity to discover the Berlin ecosystem and connect with potential partners, investors, and customers.

Findspo en el 4YFN *MWC Barcelona 2024

Conectando Innovación, Inversores y Ecosistemas TecnológicosEn la edición 2024 del Mobile World Congress (MWC) en Barcelona, Findspo se destacó no solo por su presencia, sino por su capacidad para conectar con el ecosistema tecnológico global, inversores y parques tecnológicos. La empresa, conocida por su enfoque innovador en soluciones de Inteligencia Artificial (IA), presentó su metamodelo de IA holística, una propuesta pionera en el mercado que promete revolucionar la forma en que entendemos y aplicamos la tecnología de IA en diversos sectores.